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Drawn Textured Yarn

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Polyester Drawn Textured Yarn commonly known as Polyester DTY is a manufactured by processing Polyester POY. The yarn develops a texture by twisting and drawing it at the same time using heat. The yarn develops texture by a process involving hot drawing, twisting, thermosetting and de-twisting.  The texturizing process imparts bulk and stretch properties. Different heating techniques can be used to make the yarn set for specific use. DTY can be provided with different levels of intermingling depending upon the requirements of downstream machines and applications. It can be Non-Intermingle (NIM), having 0 -10 knots/meter or Semi-Intermingle (SIM) having 40 - 50 knots/meter or High-Intermingle (HIM) having 100 - 120 knots/meter. These knots are created by usage of specific intermingling nozzle and subjecting yarnto desire intermingling pressure. DTY can be used in various applications, as a placement of natural yarns, or in specified technical applications. DTY is available in three lusters - Semi-Dull, Full-Dull and Bright.


  • Can be made in different colours using doped dyed technology or traditional dyeing
  • Good insulation properties
  • Light weight with good covering properties
  • Can give a woolly and mat appearance
  • High wear and tear resistance
  • Very low moisture content

End Uses

  • Outer/Inner Garments
  • Woven and knitted fabrics
  • Skin-clinging garments
  • Home Furnishings
  • Upholstery
  • Seat Covers
  • Bags

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* To embrace new technologies and methods. * To give unsurpassed products and services to the clients. * To constantly look for improvement and changes.

Site Designed & Maintained by Aman Infotech
A, Drawn Textured Yarn, Fully Drawn Yarn, Monofilament Yarn, Partially Oriented Yarn, Pet Chips Textile Grade, Polypropylene Yarn